5 Reasons Why Ball Pens Are Preferred Over Pencils For Sketching

Are the last few pages of your notebook or diary dedicated to your sketches?
Did the switch over from pencils to pen put a stop on those sketches? I hope not!
Here are a few points which tell you why pen sketching is infact more convenient than pencil sketching

Xten Win Ball Pens

Doesn’t Smudge

One of the main reasons why artists prefer ball pens while sketching is simply because they don’t smudge. For those who prefer sketching with a pencil can avoid smudge too but extreme care should be taken to draw with the arm and not to rest the hand on the paper.


The cleanliness offered by the ink of a ballpen is no doubt better than that offered by a pencil. Being solvent-based it dries quickly. Special solvents are also available if you want to rub the ink without ruining your sketch. Most artists prefer art ink as they dry more quickly and generally stay longer than the normal ink.

• Stubborn Ink

A fountain pen is difficult to control while sketching as the ink comes out consistently and smoothly. But the ink from a ballpoint product is fairly dry and stubborn. The sketch done by the latter is often confused with pieces of art sketched with a pencil. You can control the pressure offered by the product and bring variation in its thickness and lightness. Sketch lightly before you draw the final lines.

• Grip

Ball pens offer a better grip over the paper as compared to pencils. Holding the pens in the right way help you gain more agility. All you need to do is adjust the grip. Holding it right enables you to sketch at the same speed without fatigue.

• Colour Variety

Though black and dark blue are the most preferred colours when it comes to sketching, one can avail other colors as well. Using different colours makes the sketch stand out on the white paper. Just make sure the pen you choose doesn’t blotch.

I am sure all you want to do now is to get hold of a good ballpoint pen and sketch what your heart desires. Let the untold stories of your heart flow uninterrupted. GOOD LUCK for your new masterpiece.
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